Tuesday, June 8, 2010

and then floral was tragically murdered by black

well known for my speaking-in-montotone, delivering-insulting/cryptic-remarks-and-hating-everyone-days, i have a mild obcession with art/films/magazines/music/editorials that are inspiring/mood changng. Relatively hard to come by in a country where individualism is a very small island in a big big sea, I treasure every small glimmer of kitch inspiration that i stumble upon. It's that feeling that i'm after, the one where you feel like you're literally breathing glitter and stardust, the feeling when you have a lovely magazine with 150 or so delicious, secret-to-life holding pages for you to drink in and obcess over.As any unoriginal, typical sixteen year old girl; fashion/music/films have an overpowering ability to drag me out of the deepest depths of my cynicism and society hating misery, transforming me into strawberry shortcakes long lost sister, all bubbles of happiness and overenthusiasm. One of my favourite sources for mood enhacing material is;
LULA MAGAZINE) Released twice a year, this vessel of enchantment boasts frivolous pages of indier-than-thou looking girls spinning in daisy ridden meadows while looking dreamy and magical, every bit of that lusted after photogenic that you wish you were. Ballet slipper coloured pages, if my walls weren't already smothered in Vogue covers, i would want to glue every precious page to my pastel pink walls so i could perhaps absorb the inspiration in my sleep.
So while you run for your coat and keys to go grab a copy of Lula (it's out at the moment) i shall go and practice my yoga and make some green tea. Arrividerci.

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