Saturday, May 1, 2010

get down ladies, you've got nothing to lose.

yesterday morning i went out for breakfast with my mom, we went flower shopping and got a tad distracted so i ended up buying three trenchcoats and a pink fur jacket, which i'm super thrilled to have for winter. I went out last night, even though i have so much study to do, which wasn't necessarily the cleverest moment of my life, but i suppose i shall have to keep studying today instead. Putting my resume in some of the boutiques down the road, i figure that talking about a trip to tokyo is great and all, but money probably would make it a little more realistic. Haven't yet found my perfect pair of american apparel disco pants, so am trying to track them down this week, as a treat for myself for strudying so hard this year. Last night not included. My boyfriend's birthday is next weekend, on mother's day, so it's a double event for both of us, as well as my exams coming up the following week. My life, although interesting, is hell. Yoga, i am discovering, helps.
I hope every single one of you spends all your money on clothes this week. so i don't feel as bad.

1 comment:

  1. haha it's ok. I'm in year 12 so study is hectic, yet still managed to buy a backstage dress, fedora and high heels on a recent shopping trip to glue (L)

    3 trenchcoats. jealous much?


